We’ve grown up to believe mobility = vehicles. But is this really true? Maybe our mobility has been restricted. With your help, we want to change these ideas! New forms of mobility will connect us and make our world a better place for everyone. Vegetables, fruits, sweets. Furniture and appliances. Even buildings and trees in the city. Going beyond the vehicles we know allows everything to become mobile! Mobility brings our global world together. In a world where anything can move, don’t you find it very exciting? Maybe this sounds impossible? But really, revolutionary ideas always start from a dream or fantasy. We need your ideas to make this dream come true! Somewhere, someone is depending on you to create a new world of possibility through mobility.

Honda’s Promise

We’re going to create new forms of mobility from the sketches you share. You provide the ideas, and Honda will make them move!

Three different ways your sketch will come to life

  • 1. ROBLOX

    If your idea is selected, it will become an actual moving module that can be used in the Honda Rewired world on the 3D game platform Roblox, accessed by 66 million people daily in 180 countries around the world.


    Your idea for new mobility will also be displayed in Honda showrooms.

  • 3. MOVIE

    Your idea for new mobility will also be featured in Honda Power Products’ brand movie, reaching people worldwide.

All participants will be given the title of Chief Dream Officer!
The sketch you submit could be introduced around the world!

Announcement time

Ideas that are chosen will be announced in spring 2024

*Announcement timing may change as necessary.

If your idea is chosen,
we will contact you using the account
login and email address provided,
so please respond accordingly.

*The campaign is currently closed.